Tuesday, April 29, 2008

"The Ultimate Last Final Showdown"

The Daily Show has gotten back into the swing of things since the writer's strike and on March 3rd, 2008 Jon Stewart interviewed Hillary Clinton! It was an interesting show because despite the fact that Stewart was interviewing Clinton the first segment of his show was called the "Ultimate Last Final Showdown (Unless Hillary Wins One or Both of the Larger States)" and although the title clearly makes fun of how the media frames each new primary, Stewart mainly focuses on how the candidates have been bashing each other as they criss-cross both Ohio and Texas before the primary tomorrow, March 4th, 2008. Stewart plays clips (with commentary) of both Clinton and Obama taking small jabs at each other; Clinton tries to insinuate that although Obama makes pretty speeches they lack substance and action and Obama questions Hillary's ability, using her vote for the Iraq war as an example.

I was very impressed because it Jon Steward's portrayal of the candidates was equal and he didn't seem to favor either candidate.

The interview with Hillary was really interesting and he asked her good questions, though he seemed to stay within the media's frame and he didn't ask her about actual actions she would take or concrete issues in Ohio or Texas. I really liked how Stewart talked about how Ohio is always courted during the elections but then is ignored once the candidate is in office, and what Hillary feels about that. She of course had a good answer. I also really liked how she said that regardless of who wins there will be a unified democratic party. Overall a wonderful interview!

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