Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Week 2 Post

NPR: Talk of the Nation 2/12/08

Still more then six months away from the election the media is under fire for its coverage of the campaign so far. Mostly the public faults it for its lack of coverage on the issues. A variety of guest involved in the media and those who study the media were involved in the conversation and spoke throughout the piece which ran. The campaign was the largest story of 2007, and has been the topic of half the stories so far in 2008. Patterns of bias were discussed, as well as 24-hour news outlets and the types of stories being put out. As always, guests were invited to call in and provide their comments and question. The piece ran a half an hour long.


There were no stories highlighting the presidential campaigns today, or the election, at all. Instead it focused on Valentine’s Day mix-tapes and a new Encyclopedia of African Americans, romance in film and the death of Steve Gerber, creator of “Howard the Duck.”

Playbook TV 2/11/08

Tough times for Hillary Clinton as she looses small, but numerous states in the primaries and Obama gains momentum, and looks to be ahead in upcoming states. As a result there is a shakeup in the Clinton campaign as the Campaign Manager Patty Doyle is replaced by Maggie Williams.

Huckabee responds to criticism that his numbers on delegates don’t add up, to which he responded, “he didn’t major in math, he majored in miracles.” With a reference to Monty Python the host then reported that Huckabee had then gone on to win the Louisiana primary, thought other Politico reporters do not believe it will slow down the McCain campaign.

NBC is done apologizing for comments a reporter made about Chelsea Clinton’s work for her mother’s campaign was similar to being pimped out. As a result Clinton has threatened to pull out of an MSNBC debate, and as a result plans to nickname McCain the “MacDaddy” had to be scrapped.

There were also plugs for interviews with both Clinton and Obama, and jokes on Ron Paul’s scaled back campaign so that be can focus on re-election to congress.


Clinton’s lagging campaign leads, one idea to boost her campaign is to try to get Michigan and Florida delegates to count at the convention after they were stripped of their delegates after moving their primaries too early.

The rest of the show focused on steroid use in baseball and the latest on Roger Clemens hearings on the hill, and the latest in the saga of Ohio Senator Larry Craig and the allegations about solicitations for gay sex in a public bathroom.

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