Thursday, February 21, 2008

Obama Rose. Clinton slid fast. Why?

My first ever blog, how exciting! Reporting on my mainstream news source, the Christian Science Monitor, a nationally distributed paper that despite being a non-religious paper has its roots in the Christian Science Church (No, this is not the church of Tom Cruise, that's Scientology!).

On the front page of the Christian Science Monitor webpage, the headline reads, "Obama Rose. Clinton Slid Fast. Why?" Below the headline is a picture of Obama surrounded by adoring fans snapping pictures and asking for autographs. In the first paragraph the article says, "Senator Obama has gone on a tear, winning 10 straight primaries and caucuses, and forcing Senator Clinton's back to the wall." Despite this kind of horserace language the article is refreshingly unbiased and filled with reliable sources. The article quotes a number of experts in the field including professors, as well as a number of people actually employed by the candidates themselves.

The article sites the Clinton campaign team's failure to have a plan B if Hillary didn't have the election in the bag after Super Tuesday(Which John McCain ended up having!). The article than looks at Obama's campaign team as an ideal way to run a campaign, quoting Galston, a senior fellow of governance at the Brokkings Institution in Washington as saying, "People are going to be writing about his campaign for a long time, as a textbook of how to take advantage of changing circumstances – and to leverage your strengths while muting your weaknesses."

The article goes on the ask the important question, will this failure or success of a campaign hurt or help the respective candidates and is it indicative of the kind of president they will be. The question is not decisively answered with, "probably not". The article wraps up with a warning that it is far too early to call the race nows, citing the primaries of Ohio, Texas and Penn. as deciding factors.

Overall a very impressively unbiased article!

from the February 22, 2008 edition -
Obama rose. Clinton slid fast. Why?
Poor planning for post-Feb. 5 races tripped up the Clinton camp, analysts say.
By Linda Feldmann Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

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