Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ferraro, Power and Spitzer all try to out talk each other

National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation for the week of March 3rd, 2008.

The latest on the presidential race, since its Wednesday, Ferraro’s comments on Obama and Obama’s win in Mississippi lead. His win in Mississippi was split along highly racial lines which is worrisome for the Democratic Party. They also discuss how Hillary Clinton has seemed to do a good job of winning back White votes. The Pennsylvania primary is coming up, where Hillary has a large lead right now, but Indiana and other states are coming up.

They also discussed the role that advisors have in impacting the candidates and how people involved with the campaigns can influence how voters look at candidates. They compare it to Donna Brazil’s resignation from Michael Dukakis’ campaign for her focus on George Bush’s alleged girlfriend.

Politico.com's Playbook TV with James Kotecki for the week of March 10th, 2008.


Synopsis: Barack Obama’s win in the Wyoming caucuses leads, he makes fun of the significance since its only a win by two delegates, so no real change in the delegate map, but he does concede it gives Obama momentum as he heads into Mississippi.

Newspapers are reporting on the Clinton campaigns suggestion that a Clinton-Obama ticket is the way to go, they are reporting its simply a way to weaken the Obama campaign despite his current delegate lead. Kotecki then ponders what Hillary would be like as VP, and compares her to Cheney in being a strong foreign policy VP.

Notes: Obama’s win is mocked a bit in the beginning and the role of the media in analyzed in the VP discussion going on, and Hillary is compared to the powerful but cunning Cheney.


Synopsis: The Eliot Spitzer scandal dominates.
Geraldine Ferraro’s comments that Barack Obama is only where he is because he is a black man, she hasn’t apologized, but resigned from the Clinton campaign because she didn’t want to hurt the campaign, and that the Obama campaign was twisting her words.

Romney is trying to work his way into the VP spot, to which Kotecki has a field day mocking Romney’s new role in attempting to grovel his way into the spot.

The teasers for next time are Hillary’s experience as first lady, and lastly he shows pictures of famous people admitting their mistakes, among which is President Clinton.

Notes: Ferraro’s comments dominate the campaign news, while Romney is made fun of and McCain is portrayed to be enjoying his new found power over his former rivals.

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