Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Florida, Michigan and Ohio, oh my!

National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation for the week of March 3rd, 2008.


The discussion focuses around Latino voters and were their allegiances lie, right now Clinton is who Latino have shown up for in droves. Their guest, first outlines that Latinos are not a uniform group, and that you have White Latinos and Afro-Latinos from the Caribbean. He thinks that many Latinos have not voted for Obama because of racism to some extent, and he believes that race plays a role in the selection of the candidate. Younger candidates are more willing to vote for Obama, but the older generation is less wiling to do so the guest argues. He believes it is a racism problem, which partially comes because there is little social mobility for Afro-Latinos within the Latino community. There is then a guest who comes to defend Latinos and argues that there are many times when Latinos have supported African-American candidates.


There is some context given to the current situation on Iraq and each candidates stance on the issue. A discussion then follows of what the next president will have to deal with, and how the election may be impacted by this issue.

The Clinton and Obama camps stances are laid out on Florida and Michigan and possible re-dos in both states. Discussions are held with political observers in both Florida and Michigan. The differences between caucuses and primaries are examined as well as how each might play a different role in choosing a nominee.

Politico.com's Playbook TV with James Kotecki for the week of March 3rd, 2008.


Less then one day from the March 4th primary with Clinton leading, although Kotecki notes that despite her lead she still needs to do better in order to capture more then half the delegates. Kotecki recommends taking a pro-Corn hole stance to bump up numbers.

Obama is the second story with his controversy on NAFTA and that his stance on protectionism in Obama’s rhetoric was campaign motivated and not his real stance on NAFTA. The advisor’s is defending the memo he wrote.

Lastly, the controversy of Hillary’s comments on 60 Minutes about how Obama is not a Muslim “As far as I know” Kotecki goes on to make the connection that Hillary thinks SNL is an accurate news source since she refered to it in her last debate, she was also on SNL joking about how here campaign was going well, Kotecki goes on to make convoluted connections to make the point that people are making great leaps in order to achieve the idea that Hillary was attempting to label Obama as a Muslim. Its funny, but confusing, way of making fun of those who take Hillary to literally over a few words. It also makes fun of Obama for potentially being a “Muslim sleeper cell terrorist” if Hillary is right.

Teasers for the next show include McCain’s economic platform, and a promise to not spread rumors that McCain’s office is actually a bordello of female lobbyist, unless you’ve already heard something about that.

Notes: Kotecki starts by pointing out that Hillary is ahead in Ohio, but quickly moves on to the point that even if she is, it may not make a real difference in delegates. The Obama piece is short and somewhat critical, but spends more time making fun of Canadians then anything else. On the Hillary controversy Kotecki attempts to make fun of those taking Hillary Clinton to seriously, but in doing so just confuses the watcher, and doesn’t really say much in terms of interpreting the issue, but uses a lot of SNL references in the process.


Synopsis: John McCain seals the deal by getting the endorsement from the President, but Kotecki interprets it as not so much as a win but given the low approval ratings of the president might actually hurt McCain with democrats. McCain also asked the President to campaign for it as much as his busy schedule allows, Kotecki frames this in the same light that Bill Clinton was “too busy” to campaign for Al Gore, followed by video of Bill Clinton gardening.

Michigan and Florida are demanding their delegates be seated, where Clinton “kind of” won both contest, neither candidate campaigned in either state, and Obama wasn’t on the ballot in Michigan. This may all lead to a do-over, to which Kotecki jokes we should bring Romney out of retirement to give it another go.

In Ohio super delegates are holding back on their endorsements until the candidates line out plans to protect American johs. Kotecki compares it to the Star Wars Trade Federation’s power, to exert their will on government policy, hopefully without the pod racing.

Teasers include questions over Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy experience.

Notes: John McCain leads for once, though the President doesn’t fare so well. The Michigan and Florida story jabs at Hillary for her “kind of” wins, and the teaser questions her foreign policy experience without providing any details as to how the story leans.

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