Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Lobbyist and Primaries abound

National Public Radio's Talk of the Nation for the week of February 18th, 2008.


Castro’s stepping down leads, the story does include comments from the presidential candidates in general. Clinton’s position on Cuba has been similar to Bush’s because she wants to win Florida in the general election, while Obama has called for more open travel to Cuba by Cuban-American families and has indicated a willingness to talk with countries such as Cuba that the US has not been on good footing. As always, the conversation included a scholarly guest and calls from the general public


The McCain article from the New York Times tying lobbyist Vicky Eismen whom it is alleged he had an affair with leads. The host questions whether or not there is a firm tie to the lobbyist and the guest, an NPR editor for the, says there is not, and that there is no firm tie to any wrong doing. They discuss the timing, how it might have played earlier in the primary season, versus now when it is hurting him now as the presumptive nominee. They discuss the fairness of the piece, and the rallying effect it may have on those who have not favored McCain beforehand.

Identity politics is next on the agenda, discussing how people rally around those with whom they most identify, and vote for them based on that identity instead of issues. Listeners are invited to email and call in as always. Stanley Fish, an online columnist for the New York Times is the guest. They discuss Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton and the identities that both of them have and how this effects how voters are drawn to them.

Politico.com's Playbook TV with James Kotecki for the week of February 18, 2008.


The Wisconsin Primary leads, with splices of internet website jokes inter-spliced with reporting on how McCain is expected to widen his lead on Huckabee, and Hillary is expected to do better then expected. Obama has come under fire for his health care plan, and a promise to take general funds in an election. The “plagerism” claim is also talk about, as Obama apparently used that was from a Deval Patrick. Obama admits he should have given credit to Patrick for the line.

Next the Hawai’i caucus was talked about. There are only twenty delegates at state James Kotecki points out, while making fun of grass skirts and Spam. However, Chelsea Clinton has been campaigning there despite Obama’s strong lead. Kotecki did point out that if you thought he might be awake for the 1:30 AM results when they came in, you must be coco-nuts.


The NYT story on John McCain’s alleged affair with a young lobbyist leads, or at last a song version of it does, by singer/songwriter/host James Kotecki. John McCain denied the story, or as Kotecki put it “but you say she’s just a friend, oh oh, you say she’s just a friend.” The NYT was then attacked for running the story.

Another Obama/Hillary debate in Texas, that was also shown on Univsion, Kotecki noted that the exciting accent by co-host Jorge Ramos was the only thing new about the debate. Despite Hillary’s uphill challenge, it was a calm debate, but Hillary, said “not change you can believe, but change you can Xerox” which Kotecki commented, “not only did that joke suck (the oxygen out the room)” but that they may not have been in opposition.

Lastly, in 1995 Obama met with two people associated with leftist terrorist organizations, as a part of his run for the state senate, a much different approach then he’s been known for taking recently.

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