Monday, May 5, 2008

Election 2008: The Movie! Coming Soon.

NPR's Talk of the Nation for the week of 3/31


Three weeks until Pennsylvania, McCain draws up a list of possible VPs, Democrats don’t know what to do about Florida and Michigan still.

Hillary holds Pennsylvania with a strong lead over all other contenders including McCain. They are also holding a “dream ticket” contest on the show today.

Obama continues to mount a good fight in Pennsylvania despite the strong lead that Hillary holds in the state. They go on to examine how the votes might play out and how the race if effecting the party.

Polling data is discussed in depth regarding Pennsylvania polls in comparison to two different states. In this poll, in these three states, Hillary does significantly better then Obama when matched against Senator McCain. But according to the polls about half don’t care about race or gender in this race. Senator Obama has also handled the race issues better by about 10% of voters. Hillary still has the highest negative numbers of any of the candidates.

Kotecki TV for the Week of 3/31


Obama has compared the campaign to a good movie that has lasted too long, Hillary said she likes long movies. When asked what her favorite movie is Clinton responded: This one! Kotecki then points out the problematic tendencies of long movies, and splits apart Clinton’s possible meanings behind saying that this might mean that Clinton is simply in the race to entertain herself. He also digs into Clinton’s financial situation and debts related to the campaign for the rallies, catering and stage technicians.

Obama has exciting social engineering plans, using the presidency to help change American culture.

Notes: Clinton’s words get pulled apart, on non-substantive issues, and examined closely despite the fact that they have very little bearing on the race.


Obama is holding a raffle for young voters who help to register new voters, the winner wins a three on three basketball game with Obama.

Hillary Clinton accused of saying that Obama can’t win the election, she denied the claim, but hasn’t quiet said that he could win, only that a democrat will be in office in January. Kotecki toys with what exactly she means by saying that.

Superdelegates are worried about endorsing a candidate because it might effect their own electability.

Notes: Once again Clinton’s words are spliced apart for hidden meanings.

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