Friday, May 9, 2008

Hillary's comment about Bosnia

The New York Times coverage Hillary's gaffe about landing under sniper fire in Bosnia is reflective of the mainstream media’s tendency to focus on horserace issues, including the impact that various mini-scandals have on public opinion. While the episode did cast doubt on Hillary’s credibility, the Times article failed to go much deeper than that and largely presented the story in a conventional way. The Stump, by contrast, used the Bosnia episode is an excuse to ignore the current election and debate the events of the mid-1990s. How well did the (Bill) Clinton administration perform in the Balkans, what role (if any) did Hillary play, and how could this shed light on her possible style as commander-in-chief? Because they are not obliged to cover the daily news, but are rather more focused on themes and trends, the Stump was able to use the Bosnia question as a launching pad to discuss issues of interest to them.


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