Sunday, May 4, 2008

From mistakes, Clinton has learned, adjusted

The Christian Science Monitor
From mistakes, Clinton has learned, adjusted
By Linda Feldmann
April 16th, 2008

The Christian Science Monitor has impressed me so far with their balanced, fact-based, well written and interesting articles that often break the frame that most of the media use, though are still within the context that a reader can understand. This article completely breaks the frame that surrounds Democratic Presidential hopeful, Senator Hillary Clinton. The article offers an alternative frame in which Clinton is a uniter rather than a divider. She is portrayed as a woman who has made mistakes but learns from them, as a person who cares deeply for her fellow human beings. She is portrayed as a hard worker who cares more about getting things done rather than getting credit for them and as someone who is held in great esteem by her colleagues and friends.

In my class at Wellesley College, Mass Media in American Democracy, we learned that often the media doesn't publish things that don't fit into the frame that already surrounds the event, person or idea but the Christian Science Monitor has done just that. Regardless of how you feel about Senator Clinton, I would recommend reading this article! I have previously mentioned how often it is easy to tell what a journalists opinion is regardless of whether or not their article is op-ed, and I believe that Miss Feldmann's article is surprisingly neutral despite the fact that her writing a piece that goes against the general consensus is probably an indication of her views.

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