Monday, May 5, 2008

Obama, Obama and Jay-Z

Kotecki TV for the Weeks of 4/7, 4/14 and 4/21


Mark Penn is resigned because his firm doesn’t agree with the campaign on most of the major policy issues. Which Kotecki says, might have something to do is why she is the underdog.

Obama tries to distance himself from Radio TalkShow host who described McCain as a warmonger. Kotecki breaks it down essay style.

Then Kotecki compares Penn’s stepping down as equivilent to Obama’s NAFTA/Canada error earlier on and that the distance from the Talk show host is equivilent to Bill Cunningham bashing Obama when introducing McCain. This election has gone on so long that the campaigns are stealing each other’s gaffs.

Notes: What starts out as substantive breaks down into a mistake comparison by the end of the show.


Kentucky congressman apologizes for calling Obama a snake oil salesman, and saying “that boy’s finger does not need to be on the button.” There was apparently some tension between the two during a national security simulation.

Obama apparently attended a party hosted by a Chicago real estate developer now on trial, to court an Iraqi investor. Obama denies attending any such event.

Bill Clinton is caught saying that he’s seen signs about not being bitter when he hasn’t actually seen any such signs.

Note: Lots of news on Obama today, mostly on non-substantive stuff such as what other people said about him and the sort of parties he may or may not have attended.


Bill Aires a member of the Weather Underground a group that put bombs near government buildings during Vietnam, is connected with Obama.

Kotecki says that the conclusion from this is that Vietnam can’t be escaped in any election.

Obama uses a Jay-Z dance move to describe how he shrugs off Clinton’s attacks. Kotecki notes that while it may gain him credibility with younger voters, it won’t help him with older blue collar voters that are traditionally associated with Clinton.


McCain asks the North Carolina party to stop using ads that use lines from Obama’s inflammatory pastor to attack gubernatorial candidates who have endorsed Obama.

Obama is also having a hard time attracting older voters, many of whom are loyal to Clinton.

Exciting primaries in Indiana and North Carolina coming up and caucuses in Guam, four delegates up for grab in the caucuses.

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